
Based on our commitment to provide meaningful value to nonprofit organizations, we are pleased to offer periodic nonprofit education session on topics that extend beyond accounting and finance. Each session will be led by guest speakers with specialized knowledge of the nonprofit industry. 

Grant Funding: What are my responsibilities as a grant awardee?

July 11th, 2024 

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Join us for an enlightening nonprofit education webinar focusing on the intricacies of applying for and managing grants. For many nonprofit organizations, the process of grant application and reporting can feel overwhelming. This webinar will bring to light what granters are looking for in their applicants and shed light on the post-award requirements for awardees. The session will kick off with an engaging Q&A panel featuring Victoria Grasso, President of the Cooper Foundation, and Meg Blue, Director of Community Investments at the United Way of the Midlands. Following this, Lucas Post, Senior Accountant at HBE, will delve into a comprehensive discussion on federal awards and their correlation to Single Audits.

Presented by:

Meg Blue | Director of Community Investments, United Way of the Midlands
Victoria Grasso | President, Cooper Foundation
Lucas J. Post, CPA | Senior Accountant, HBE LLP
Tanner A. Weir, CPA | Senior Accountant, HBE LLP

Understanding ASU 2016-13 Requirements for Financial Instruments

January 30, 2024

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Emily E. Arrigo, CPA and Zachary N. Fowler, CPA delve into crucial considerations when adopting ASU 2016-13, shedding light on areas such as identifying financial assets, risk considerations, and measuring current expected credit losses. This standard is set to be implemented in accrual basis financial statements for year ends December 31, 2023, and beyond. Additionally, they  address the nuances of documenting management’s review, monitoring, and conclusions, and what to expect in terms of financial statement changes.

This is an excellent opportunity to stay ahead of current industry standards and proactively address the impacts on financial reporting. The insights shared in this webinar will provide you with a thorough understanding of the standard and equip you with the knowledge of what will be required in your upcoming review or audit.

Presented by:

Emily E. Arrigo, CPA | Assurance Manager, HBE LLP

Emily is a graduate of Hastings College where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. For over 5 years, Emily has been providing assurance services for both for-profit and nonprofit clients in addition to employee benefit plans.

Zachary N. Fowler, CPA | Assurance Manager, HBE LLP

Zachary is a graduate of Hastings College where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and a minor in Mathematics. For 9 years, Zachary has been providing Audit and Review services with a specialty in Not-For-Profit entities.

Board Best Practices & The Importance of Internal Controls

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Part 1: Board Best Practices

Service on a nonprofit board can be personally fulfilling, provide a way to give back to your community, and create opportunities to expand your network. Board service also comes with fiduciary obligations and a few traps for the unwary. In this presentation, Katie A. Joseph, Partner at Cline Williams, will discuss best practices for nonprofit boards and how to navigate conflicts of interest. This part of the session will include information relevant to nonprofit leaders, long-serving board members, and those new to the role.

Part 2: The Importance of Internal Controls

Important to all organizations, internal controls are processes designed to help safeguard an organization and minimize risk to its objectives. They protect assets, ensure accuracy of records, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to policies, rules, regulations, and laws. In this presentation, HBE Director, Ashley S. Bell, CPA, will discuss the importance of internal controls and the impact they can have on an organization. This part of the session will give nonprofit leaders tools in preventing errors and identifying problems in a timely manner to ensure corrective action is taken.

Liquidity & Reserves

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Liquidity is generally defined as the amount of cash and/or assets an organization holds that can be easily converted to cash to accomplish the organization’s mission. Because liquidity is often seen as a measurement of organizational stability, it is a key metric that is looked at by boards, grantors, and stakeholders.

In this session, hear from a panel of speakers who will each share their own unique insight on various aspects of nonprofit liquidity and reserves. Speakers include:

  • Lee Klumpp, CPA, CGMA | National Assurance Partner-Nonprofit & Government | BDO USA, LLP
  • Jan Sheridan | Vice President-Treasury Management | Union Bank & Trust
  • Chris Bedient, CFA, CFP | Partner | HBE Wealth Management
    • Scott Lawson | Vice President-Finance | Lincoln Community Foundation

    Additional Resources

    Using Data to Enhance Stories of Impact; Lease Accounting Standard Update

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    Part 1: Using Data to Enhance Stories of Impact

    Telling stories of mission impact in order to build emotional connections is one of the keys to success for nonprofit organizations. In today’s world of data abundance, data analytics is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance these storytelling efforts. Whether clarifying quantitative measurements, highlighting data set relationships, or drawing attention to important statistics, presenting organizational data in a visual and easily digestible format can help bring a story to life. In this portion of the session, Allisa Lovitt, Marketing Manager, and Ryan Van Ostrand, Data Analyst, will identify some common nonprofit performance indicators and share examples of how data analytics is being used within the industry to strengthen insight and engagement.

    Part 2: Lease Accounting Standards Update
    In this portion of the session, Rose Pinkman, CPA, CFE, Assurance Manager, will provide an update on the implementation of ASC 842-Leases. This will include in-depth information on the following:

    • An overview of what changed from the previous standards to the new standards
    • Lease considerations
    • Accounting for leases, including the accounting entries and disclosures
    • Resources and examples

    HR and Its Impact on Your Organization's Success | How the Biden Tax Proposal May Impact Nonprofit Fundraising

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    Part 1: HR and Its Impact on Your Organization’s Success

    Presented by:
    Steph Vanous and Chad Theis
    Zelle Human Resources Solutions

    HR is a critical component to any organization regardless of size. However, most people don’t know how to effectively implement HR strategies. In this session, participants will leave with effective action items to implement both traditional and nontraditional HR processes. In this presentation, we will discuss relevant topics related to the current recruiting environment, along with changes and updates organizations need to be aware of with COVID. Ultimately, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of HR, and its impact on the overall success of the organization.

    Part 2: How the Biden Tax Proposal May Impact Nonprofit Fundraising

    Presented by:
    Chad Pfeifer, and/or Jimmy Schulz, CPA, CVA, MT
    HBE Tax Practice Leaders

    The Biden Administration’s tax proposal contains several components that may directly impact how taxpayers approach advanced charitable giving and estate planning. In this session, we will provide an overview of the proposed changes and how they may impact nonprofit fundraising efforts. Ultimately, it is important that nonprofit organizations understand these proposed changes so they can proactively plan how they will communicate with donors in the event that the changes take effect in the future.

    Planning for Succession in the Midst of Uncertainty

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    Succession planning is a challenging topic to address, but it is critical for the success of your organization to have this discussion. The current COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us all that leadership changes will happen, whether we have made plans for them or not. Please join special guest trainer, Ingrid Kirst, to learn more about creating a solid plan to make those transitions smoother.

    Creating a Talent Management Strategy for Your Organization

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    With special guest speaker, Jeremy Wortman, owner of HRD Initiatives.

    Most organizations have a clear understanding and plan for their operational strategy. However, when asked if they have a clear strategy regarding their human capital more than 80% say they have “no plan” or “very little of a plan” (e.g., they may have a staffing plan or do some sort of succession planning). Yet, when asked how important their people are to the ongoing, long-term success of their business the overwhelming response is, “critically important.” Thus, there is a large disconnect between the practice of talent management and its idealized state. Accordingly, this session helps leaders understand the robust nature of talent management and how they can begin thinking and creating a more strategic approach to the acquisition, engagement, development, and retention of their most valuable asset – their people.

    During this session participants will explore a framework that they can use to immediately begin assessing their own organization in terms of talent management without over-engineering the process. Participants will be intellectually stimulated to think about the people-side of their business in a more comprehensive and deeper manner; thus, positioning themselves to identify areas of enhancement that drives their operational strategy.


    At this semi-monthly complimentary webinar series, held for 10 minutes at 10:00 AM every-other Tuesday, HBE professionals and guest speakers will provide timely updates, information, and education on topics that are important for the growth and success of your business or nonprofit organization.

    Impacts of New Compensation Thresholds to Business Owners

    July 16, 2024

    About This Session | View Slides

    Is your business ready for the changes to the compensation thresholds set by the DOL, effective July 1, 2024? Stay ahead of the curve by joining us for an informational 10 Minute Tuesday on July 16, 2024. Gain valuable insights from Judy Jurado, PHR, SHRM-CP, HBE HR Director, and Sherrie Tepe, HBE 360 Manager, as they guide you through the impacts of the new compensation thresholds and review, essential steps your business should consider taking to comply with the new regulations. Examples of what will be covered include:

    • Review job descriptions. Are your employees’ job descriptions current and accurate? Do they meet the salary threshold, basis, and job duties test?
    • Determine employee impact. Have you analyzed your current compensation levels to identify those employees impacted by the new threshold? How will you implement the changes?
    • Systems and Software. Are your payroll systems and time-tracking processes set up appropriately to ensure compliance? 
    • Budget. Have you reviewed your annual budget to account for related impacts to the salary thresholds now and in the future?

    This succinct yet informative session will equip you with knowledge to navigate the changing landscape and effectively safeguard your compliance.

    Presented by:

    Judy Jurado, PHR, SHRM-CP, HBE HR Director
    Sherrie Tepe, HBE 360 Manager

    Overview of Upcoming 2026 Tax Changes

    June 25, 2024

    About This Session | View Recording

    In a time where we have all been accustomed to tax cuts at both the Federal and State levels, it’s already time to start thinking about taxes rising. Barring any action from Congress, many of the taxpayer-friendly provisions of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act from 2017 are set to expire at the end of 2025. Additionally, a big election cycle in 2024 brings even more uncertainty to what the future holds. HBE and its team are ready to help prepare you for the coming changes. This 10 Minute Tuesday will start to look at the big picture of tax changes that are potentially looming, and this session will set the stage for a series of updates digging into all of the major changes and how you can be prepared for whatever Congress may do (or fail to do).

    Presented by:

    Scott A. Becker, CPA, CFP, CVA, CGMA | Managing Partner, HBE
    Scott brings nearly 35 years of experience in specialized tax and advisory services spanning various industries, including manufacturing, construction, small businesses, and professional practices. Beyond traditional accounting, he offers financial and tax planning, ESOPs, and specialized advisory services. His credentials as a Certified Valuation Analyst enable personalized guidance in succession planning. Since 2002, his leadership has led to exceptional firm growth in Nebraska and the Midwest.

    Brian M. Klintworth, CPA, MT | Partner, HBE
    Brian brings nearly a decade of expertise focused on delivering tailored tax and advisory services to high net-worth individuals and clients in small business, professional practice, and agribusiness industries. Leading the firm’s Tax Department, he offers tailored tax planning strategies amidst economic changes. Brian is a distinguished graduate of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Leadership Academy, a selective program that highlights his commitment to leadership and excellence in the accounting profession.

    Previous Webinars

    May 21, 2024 – The Fed, Inflation, Interest Rates and Potential Recession

    View Recording | Presented by: Apollo Lupescu, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors

    February 27, 2024 – Total Worker Well-Being: A Holistic Approach 

    View Recording | Presented by: Kelsey Pruss, MS | Wellness Services Manager, Nebraska Safety Council 

    February 20, 2024 – Preparing for Tomorrow: Navigating the Impending Estate Tax Landscape

    View Recording | Presented by: Chad L. Pfeiffer | Principal, HBE LLP

    December 12, 2023 – Prepare for Success in 2024 with Year-End Tax Planning 

    View Recording | View Slides | Presented by: Jackson T. Love, CPA | Senior Accountant, HBE LLP

    September 20, 2023 – Succession Planning for the Boomer Generation: Strategies for a Seamless Transition

    View Recording | Presented by: Scott J. Scheef, CPA, CVA | Partner, HBE LLP
    Referenced article:

    August 1, 2023 – Maximize Your Wealth: Proactive Steps to Safeguard Your Estate

    View Recording | Presented by: Brian R. Seigel, J.D., AEP®

    July 18, 2023 – Financial Reporting Framework for Small and Medium-Sized Entities 

    View Recording| Presented by: Ashley S. Bell, CPA | Partner, HBE LLP 

    July 11, 2023 – Leveraging Nebraska’s Tax Changes for a Competitive Business Advantage 

    View Recording | View Presentation Slides  | Presented by: Brian M. Klintworth, CPA, MT | Partner, HBE LLP; Phillip S. Oman, CPA | Tax Manager, HBE LLP

    June 20, 2023 – Protect Your Future: Three Legal Documents Every Adult Needs

    View Recording | View Presentation Slides  | Presented by: Catherine N. Swiniarski | Elder Law of Omaha, P.C., L.L.O.

    May 22, 2023 – How Inclusivity is Filling the Gap in Leadership

    View Recording | Presented by:Dr. Helen Abdali Soosan Fagan, Ph.D.



    Complimentary Webinars