Year End Planning with the Lame Duck Session and President-elect Trump
The election is over, so now we can start speculating as to what a Trump-Pence Administration might mean for tax policy. We have put our collective wisdom together, and offer the following suggestions as we approach year end. Lame Duck Session With the Republican...
5 Common Small Business HR Mistakes
Dealing with human resource (HR) issues can be challenging at times for any company, but especially for smaller companies. With business owners and management teams focused on growth, customer relations, and being as profitable as possible, small companies quite often...
Kim Bowers, HBE Firm Administrator, to Retire in December 2016
After 31 years of service to the firm, HBE’s Firm Administrator, Kimberly Bowers, is retiring on December 8, 2016. Over the course of Kim’s career with HBE, the firm has grown from a single office of 13 employees to multiple offices of over 70 employees. Throughout...
Revised Filing Deadlines for 2016 Tax Returns
On July 31, 2015, President Obama signed into Law the Surface Transportation Act of 2015 (“The Highway Act”). Certain tax provisions are included in the Act, including the following modifications to tax return filing deadlines: FinCEN FORM 114 This form was...
Client Spotlight | NeighborWorks Lincoln
In 2016, NeighborWorks Lincoln (NWL) is excited to be celebrating our 30th Anniversary of making an impact in Lincoln. We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished over the last three decades, and we are thrilled to be marking this milestone in the...
R&D Tax Credit Enhancements Provide More Cash-Saving Opportunities for Manufacturers
By Chai Hoang & Chris Bard In December 2015, Congress passed the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH Act), extending and making permanent a number of important tax credits—including the federal research and development R&D credit. The...
What Is Nexus? How does it affect your business?
by Kendra Schlautman When your business operates in several states, collecting and paying payroll, sales, and income taxes in those other states can become very complex. Depending on a state’s nexus laws, your business may need to collect and pay applicable taxes to...
Biggest Change to Nonprofit Financial Reporting in 20 Years Has Arrived
By Lee Klump The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has just released the Accounting Standards Update (ASU), Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958) and Health Care Entities (Topic 954) – Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities, which you...
Meet Our 2016 Interns!
This year, HBE welcomed five college students to our firm for a comprehensive, paid internship program. These individuals have been working alongside our professional staff to gain real-world experiences in tax, audit, and business advisory and related services. To...
HBE Named to 2016 List of Best Firms for Leadership Equity
LINCOLN, NE (July 5, 2016) – HBE Becker Meyer Love LLP, one of Nebraska’s leading providers of professional accounting, consulting, and financial management services, is pleased to announce that they have been added to the Accounting MOVE Project’s Best Firms for...