2021 Federal Tax Filing Deadline Extension
2021 Federal Tax Filing Deadline Extension March 18, 2021 In response to the ongoing pandemic-related strain placed on taxpayers, and the added complexities tax preparers are navigating due to various economic relief measures, the Treasury Department and Internal...
2021 Economic Impact Payments
2021 Economic Impact Payments March 17, 2021 As part of the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, third-round economic impact payments, or stimulus checks, were authorized for millions of eligible Americans. These payments have now started reaching bank accounts via direct...
Congress Passes American Rescue Plan
Congress Passes American Rescue Plan March 11, 2021 On March 10, after several revisions in the Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. President Biden is expected to sign the bill later this week, providing another...
PPP Loan Revisions Under the Biden Administration
PPP Loan Revisions Under the Biden Administration March 8, 2021 Last month, President Biden and Vice President Harris introduced revisions to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA). These revisions began to take...
New PPP Regulations and Forgiveness Applications from the SBA
New PPP Regulations and Forgiveness Applications from the SBA January 28, 2021 In the past several weeks, the SBA has been busy putting out additional information related to various aspects of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including the new rounds of loan...
Nebraska Property Tax Valuation
Nebraska Property Tax Valuation By Jimmy Schulz Property owners in Lancaster County should have recently received a postcard in the mail informing them of their 2021 Preliminary Real Estate Valuation. This information is also now available on the County Assessor's...
Important Updates on Recent Stimulus Bill
Important Updates on Recent Stimulus Bill PPP Round 2 & ERC Guidance January 8, 2021 President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 (the Act) on Sunday, December 27. Highlights of certain COVID-19-related provisions that may impact taxpayers,...
Announcing Ron Ecklund’s Retirement
Ron Ecklund After over four decades of service to HBE, Ronald Ecklund, has retired from his career in public accounting. As one of the firm’s original partners, representing the “E” in HBE, Ron was instrumental to the growth and success the firm enjoyed over the...
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
Update on Year-End Pandemic Relief Consolidated Appropriates Act of 2021 December 31, 2020 President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 (the Act) on Sunday, December 27. Highlights of certain COVID-19-related provisions that may impact taxpayers,...
New Congressional COVID Relief Bill
New Congressional Covid Relief Bill PPP Loans and Related Business Issues December 22, 2020 Late on December 21, 2020, Congress passed its newest $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill. While this bill contains many important stimulus actions to help combat the ongoing...