
Company News & Updates



To expand or contract a business as market conditions change requires flexibility, agility, and foresight. For companies who want to be positioned as well as possible at the forefront of a recession, taking concrete steps now can ease the pain of an economic downturn...

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Meet the 2023 Interns

Meet the 2023 Interns

HBE’s intern program has been designed to provide college students considering a career in public accounting with real-world experiences in audit, tax, and business advisory-related services. Unlike traditional intern programs, our intent at HBE is to provide our...

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People Have Memories. Markets Don’t.

People Have Memories. Markets Don’t.

By David Booth Chairman and Founder | Dimensional Fund Advisors One of the best things about markets is that they don’t have memories. They don’t remember what happened last week or last year. They don’t even remember what happened a minute ago. Prices change based on...

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Tax Deadline for Individual Returns

Tax Deadline for Individual Returns

February 10, 2023 - The April 2023 tax-filing deadline is coming up quickly, and we are working hard to ensure our clients' tax returns are completed on time. For those of you who have already provided your tax information to our office, we appreciate your prompt...

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