Cost Segregation Studies May Offer Valuable Tax Savings
By Michael J. Arens, CPA A cost segregation study can be a valuable tax savings strategy for owners of business real estate. Cost segregation studies are a method for tax purposes that allow both new and existing buildings to be depreciated over a shorter period of...
2014 Halloween Costume Showcase
Attention 1099 Filers: It’s That Time of Year Again!
Now that we’ve entered the final week of October, the end of the year will be here before we know it. If your business has made payments of over $600 to any vendor throughout the year, now is the perfect time to begin collecting and assembling the information needed...
Big dreams realized in Nebraska’s hometowns
By Jeff Yost President & CEO Nebraska Community Foundation Where are you from? That’s a question that pops up in many casual conversations among those of us who call Lincoln or Omaha home today, but still have fond memories of and close ties to much smaller...
#Nonprofits #SocialMedia and #Taxes: Is Your Organization Protected?
By Sandra Feinsmith Social media can offer cost-effective platforms through which nonprofit organizations can better communicate with stakeholders and raise awareness of their causes and fundraising efforts. Following major online giving success stories such as...
2014 Tax-Related Nebraska Legislative Changes
INCOME TAX Partial Income Tax Exemption for Military Retirement Income (LB 987 – Operative Date: January 1, 2015) A taxpayer may make a one-time election within two years after the date of his or her retirement from the military to exclude some military retirement...
Attention Company Retirement Plan Fiduciaries: Do You Know Your Role?
Retirement plans offered by a company must follow a multitude of administrative and regulatory requirements established by the Department of Labor and Internal Revenue Service. The plan’s fiduciaries, according to acceptable standards of conduct, are the individuals...
HBE’s intern program has been designed to provide college students considering a career in public accounting with real world experiences in audit, tax, and business advisory related services. Unlike traditional intern programs, our intent at HBE is to provide our...
First Day of School 2014
Unpacking Internal Controls
WHAT INTERNAL CONTROLS REALLY MEAN TO YOUR ORGANIZATION “Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the entity’s environment, including internal control.” Have you ever noticed this line in the audit engagement letter? It’s often overlooked, but encompasses...