The Importance of Hiring a Quality Auditor to Perform Your Employee Benefit Plan Audit
Recently, the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC) issued its sixth Plan Advisory, The Importance of Hiring a Quality Auditor to Perform Your Employee Benefit Plan Audit. As described in the publication’s introduction, this advisory describes why...
Implementation of New IRS Tangible Property Regulations
(EXPENSING VS. CAPITALIZING AND DEPRECIATING) SUMMARY The IRS has released final regulations providing guidance on the deduction and capitalization of expenditures related to tangible property. The rules associated with these regulations apply to all business activity...
DOES YOUR FINANCIAL REPORTING SUPPORT YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN? By Michael G. Hogan, CPA, CGMA STRATEGIC PLANNING IS THE FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS IN ANY ORGANIZATION. But the decision-making that flows from that planning is only as good as the information upon which it is...
W-2 Reporting of Healthcare Costs
Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, employers are required to report the aggregate cost of group health plan coverage provided to employees on their Form W-2. However, in April 2011, the IRS published Notice 2011-28, which provided interim...
New Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medical Insurance Rules for S Corporation Shareholders and Employees
Owners and employees of small businesses (specifically, those who own more than 2% of the stock in an S Corporation) face new rules to follow under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) regarding the reporting requirements and taxability of health insurance and other...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM HBE BECKER MEYER LOVE LLP Please note that our office will close at noon on Wednesday, December 24, and will remain closed Thursday, December 25, through Friday, December 26. In addition, we will close at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, December 31, and be...
Congress Passes Tax Extender Package
Late Tuesday, December 16, the Senate passed the tax package, H.R. 5771. This legislation includes the “Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014,” which was passed by the House on December 3, extends through 2014 over fifty currently expired “extender” provisions. The Act...
2014 Year-End Tax Planning Strategies
As we approach the end of 2014, we have summarized several important year-end tax planning strategies. This information will be helpful as you begin preparing for the upcoming tax season and any important financial decisions you will need to make before the end of the...
Announcing Ron Ecklund’s Retirement from Active Client Service
Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Friends: At HBE Becker Meyer Love LLP we take great pride in helping our clients work through long-term transitions and we strive to practice what we preach. That is why, over the past several years, we have been working closely with Ron...