FFCRA Paid Leave Provisions
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) – Paid Leave Provisions Payroll Retention Credits, Delay of Payroll Taxes, and Employee Leave Credits March 30, 2020 FFCRA will take effect on April 1, 2020 by giving American businesses including tax-exempt...
Tax-Related Provisions of the 2020 CARES Act
2020 CARES Act What it Means for Business & Individual Income Tax March 30, 2020 Late last week, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This Act, which is the largest government stimulus in history, provides a...
COVID-19: Small Business Financial Relief Options
Small Business Financial Relief Options March 27, 20204:30 PM CST In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affecting the business community across the country, the U.S. government has announced several disaster-related expansions to small business...
COVID-19 Action Plan for Business Owners
COVID-19 Action Plan for Business Owners 10 Recommendations for Protecting Your Business March 23, 2020 At HBE, we are hearing from many of our business clients who are being confronted by complex issues they’ve never seen before due to COVID-19. As a small business,...
U.S. Government Provides Coronavirus Relief
U.S. Government Provides Coronavirus Relief Treasury Provides Tax Relief & President Signs FFCRA March 20, 20203:30 PM CST This week, the U.S. government announced the passage of two significant relief measures to provide assistance to taxpayers, businesses, and...
Federal Aid Package Helps Individuals Affected by COVID-19
Federal Aid Package Helps Individuals Affected by COVID-19 March 2020 The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201), became law on March 18, 2020. The Act guarantees free testing for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), establishes emergency paid sick leave,...
Update on HBE Coronavirus Precautions
Update on HBE Coronavirus Precautions Changes to Office Access & Tax Information Transmission March 17, 2020 As we navigate the uncertain environment created by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, HBE continues to take measures to protect the health and safety of...
Potential 2020 Tax Filing Deadline Extension
Potential 2020 Tax Filing Deadline Extension No Change to HBE Filing Procedures or Timelines In response to the coronavirus pandemic and the related impact to U.S. households and businesses, the Trump Administration is considering a potential extension to the income...
HBE Coronavirus Response & Preparedness
HBE Coronavirus Response & Preparedness Business Continuity, Onsite Services, and Tax Deadlines March 11, 2020 There continues to be a great deal of information in the news and online regarding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The health, safety, and...
Meet the Interns 2020
HBE’s intern program has been designed to provide college students considering a career in public accounting with real world experiences in audit, tax, and business advisory related services. Unlike traditional intern programs, our intent at HBE is to provide our...